package org.etk.orm.core; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Property; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.Value; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import javax.jcr.nodetype.PropertyDefinition; import org.etk.orm.api.DuplicateNameException; import org.etk.orm.api.NameConflictResolution; import org.etk.orm.api.NoSuchNodeException; import org.etk.orm.api.Status; import org.etk.orm.plugins.bean.mapping.NodeTypeKind; import org.etk.orm.plugins.jcr.LinkType; import org.etk.orm.plugins.jcr.SessionWrapper; import org.etk.orm.plugins.jcr.type.MixinTypeInfo; import org.etk.orm.plugins.jcr.type.PrimaryTypeInfo; import org.etk.orm.plugins.mapper.ObjectMapper; import static org.etk.orm.plugins.common.JCR.qualify; public class DomainSessionImpl extends DomainSession { /** . */ final Domain domain; /** . */ private Map<String, EntityContext> contexts; public DomainSessionImpl(Domain domain, SessionWrapper sessionWrapper) { super(domain, sessionWrapper); // this.domain = domain; this.contexts = new HashMap<String, EntityContext>(); } protected void _setLocalName(EntityContext ctx, String localName) throws RepositoryException { if (ctx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // switch (ctx.getStatus()) { case TRANSIENT: ((TransientEntityContextState)ctx.state).setLocalName(localName); break; case PERSISTENT: Node parentNode = ctx.getNode().getParent(); String name = ctx.getNode().getName(); int index = name.indexOf(':'); String prefix = index == -1 ? null : name.substring(0, index); _move(ThrowableFactory.ISE, ctx, parentNode, prefix, localName); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Removed node cannot have its name updated"); } } @Override protected String _getLocalName(EntityContext ctx) throws RepositoryException { if (ctx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // switch (ctx.getStatus()) { default: return ctx.state.getLocalName(); case PERSISTENT: Node node = ctx.state.getNode(); Node parentNode = node.getParent(); String name = node.getName(); int index = name.indexOf(':'); String localName = index == -1 ? name : name.substring(index + 1); return domain.decodeName(parentNode, localName, NameKind.OBJECT); } } @Override protected <E> E _findByPath(Class<E> clazz, String path) throws RepositoryException { Node node = sessionWrapper.getNode(path); if (node != null) { return _findByNode(clazz, node); } return null; } protected <O> O _findByPath(EntityContext ctx, Class<O> clazz, String relPath) throws RepositoryException { Node origin; if (ctx != null) { origin = ctx.state.getNode(); } else { origin = _getRoot(); } Node node = sessionWrapper.getNode(origin, relPath); if (node != null) { return _findByNode(clazz, node); } return null; } protected <T1 extends Throwable> void _persist(ThrowableFactory<T1> nullLocaleNameTF, EntityContext ctx, String prefix, String localName) throws T1, RepositoryException { if (ctx == null) { throw new NullPointerException("No null object context accepted"); } if (localName == null) { String msg = "No relative path specified"; throw nullLocaleNameTF.newThrowable(msg); } // if (ctx.getStatus() != Status.TRANSIENT) { String msg = "Attempt to persist non transient object " + ctx; log.error(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // log.trace("Setting context {} for insertion", ctx); log.trace("Adding node for context {} and node type {}", ctx, ctx.mapper); // _persist(_getRoot(), prefix, localName, ctx); } protected <T1 extends Throwable, T2 extends Throwable, T3 extends Throwable> void _persist( ThrowableFactory<T1> srcStateTF, ThrowableFactory<T2> dstStateTF, ThrowableFactory<T3> nullLocaleNameTF, ObjectContext srcCtx, String prefix, String localName, EntityContext dstCtx) throws T1, T2, T3, NullPointerException, RepositoryException { if (srcCtx == null) { String msg = "Cannot insert context " + dstCtx + " as a child of a null context"; log.error(msg); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } if (dstCtx.getStatus() != Status.TRANSIENT) { String msg = "Attempt to insert non transient context " + dstCtx + " as child of " + srcCtx; log.error(msg); throw dstStateTF.newThrowable(); } if (localName == null) { String msg = "Attempt to insert context " + dstCtx + " with no name to " + srcCtx; log.error(msg); throw nullLocaleNameTF.newThrowable(msg); } if (srcCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { String msg = "Attempt to insert context " + dstCtx + " as child of non persistent context " + srcCtx; log.error(msg); throw srcStateTF.newThrowable(msg); } // Node parentNode = srcCtx.getEntity().state.getNode(); // _persist(parentNode, prefix, localName, dstCtx); } private void _persist(Node srcNode, String prefix, String localName, EntityContext dstCtx) throws RepositoryException { ObjectMapper mapper = dstCtx.mapper; // localName = domain.encodeName(srcNode, localName, NameKind.OBJECT); // String name = qualify(prefix, localName); // NameConflictResolution onDuplicate = NameConflictResolution.FAIL; NodeType parentNodeType = srcNode.getPrimaryNodeType(); ObjectMapper parentTypeMapper = domain.getTypeMapper(parentNodeType.getName()); if (parentTypeMapper != null) { onDuplicate = parentTypeMapper.getOnDuplicate(); } // Check insertion capability // julien : that should likely instead use JCR failure for better performance Node previousNode = sessionWrapper.getNode(srcNode, name); if (previousNode != null) { log.trace("Found existing child with same name {}", name); if (onDuplicate == NameConflictResolution.FAIL) { String msg = "Attempt to insert context " + dstCtx + " as an existing child with name " + name + " child of node " + srcNode.getPath(); log.error(msg); throw new DuplicateNameException(msg); } else { log.trace("About to remove same name {} child with id {}", previousNode.getPath(), previousNode.getName()); remove(previousNode); } } // String primaryNodeTypeName = mapper.getNodeTypeName(); log.trace("Setting context {} for insertion", dstCtx); log.trace("Adding node for context {} and node type {} as child of node {}", dstCtx, primaryNodeTypeName, srcNode.getPath()); // Node dstNode = sessionWrapper.addNode(srcNode, name, primaryNodeTypeName, Collections.<String>emptyList()); // If the node is not referenceable, make it so if (!domain.nodeInfoManager.isReferenceable(dstNode)) { dstNode.addMixin("mix:referenceable"); } // nodeAdded(dstNode, dstCtx); // log.trace("Added context {} for path {}", dstCtx, dstCtx.getId(), dstNode.getPath()); } @Override protected EntityContext _copy(EntityContext srcCtx, String prefix, String localName) throws RepositoryException { return _copy(getRoot(), srcCtx, qualify(prefix, localName)); } @Override protected EntityContext _copy(EntityContext parentCtx, EntityContext srcCtx, String prefix, String localName) throws RepositoryException { if (parentCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (parentCtx.getStatus() == Status.PERSISTENT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parent object is not persistent"); } return _copy(parentCtx.getNode(), srcCtx, qualify(prefix, localName)); } private EntityContext _copy(Node parentNode, EntityContext srcCtx, String name) throws RepositoryException { if (srcCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (srcCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Copied object is not persistent"); } // EntityContext dstCtx = (EntityContext)_create(srcCtx.mapper.getObjectClass(), null); // String prefix; String localName; int index = name.indexOf(':'); if (index == -1) { prefix = null; localName = name; } else { prefix = name.substring(0, index); localName = name.substring(index + 1); } // _persist(parentNode, prefix, localName, dstCtx); // Node dstNode = dstCtx.getNode(); // Copy mixins for (NodeType mixinNodeType : srcCtx.getNode().getMixinNodeTypes()) { dstNode.addMixin(mixinNodeType.getName()); } // Copy node state for (Iterator<Property> i = sessionWrapper.getProperties(srcCtx.getNode());i.hasNext();) { Property p =; PropertyDefinition def = p.getDefinition(); if (def.isProtected()) { // We skip protected state } else { if (def.isMultiple()) { Value[] values = p.getValues(); dstNode.setProperty(p.getName(), values); } else { Value value = p.getValue(); dstNode.setProperty(p.getName(), value); } } } // Copy children for (Iterator<Node> i = sessionWrapper.getChildren(srcCtx.getNode());i.hasNext();) { Node n =; EntityContext c = _getEntity(n); if (c == null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } else { _copy(dstNode, c, n.getName()); } } // return dstCtx; } @Override protected void _addMixin(EntityContext entityCtx, EmbeddedContext mixinCtx) throws RepositoryException { if (entityCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (mixinCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Maybe they are already wired if (mixinCtx.relatedEntity != null) { if (mixinCtx.relatedEntity != entityCtx) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } else { EmbeddedContext previousMixinCtx = (EmbeddedContext)entityCtx.getAttribute(mixinCtx.mapper); if (previousMixinCtx != null) { if (previousMixinCtx != mixinCtx) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } else { // String mixinTypeName = mixinCtx.mapper.getNodeTypeName(); Node node = entityCtx.state.getNode(); // if (!sessionWrapper.canAddMixin(node, mixinTypeName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add mixin " + mixinCtx + " to context " + entityCtx); } // Add mixin sessionWrapper.addMixin(node, mixinTypeName); // NodeType mixinType = sessionWrapper.getNodeType(mixinTypeName); MixinTypeInfo mixinTypeInfo = domain.nodeInfoManager.getMixinTypeInfo(mixinType); // Perform wiring entityCtx.setAttribute(mixinCtx.mapper, mixinCtx); mixinCtx.relatedEntity = entityCtx; mixinCtx.typeInfo = mixinTypeInfo; } } } @Override protected EmbeddedContext _getEmbedded(EntityContext entityCtx, Class<?> embeddedClass) throws RepositoryException { if (entityCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (embeddedClass == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // That's a necessary evil ObjectMapper<EmbeddedContext> mapper = (ObjectMapper<EmbeddedContext>)domain.getTypeMapper(embeddedClass); // EmbeddedContext embeddedCtx = null; if (mapper != null) { embeddedCtx = (EmbeddedContext)entityCtx.getAttribute(mapper); // if (embeddedCtx == null) { Node node = entityCtx.state.getNode(); if (mapper.getKind() == NodeTypeKind.MIXIN) { String mixinTypeName = mapper.getNodeTypeName(); if (sessionWrapper.haxMixin(node, mixinTypeName)) { NodeType mixinType = sessionWrapper.getNodeType(mixinTypeName); MixinTypeInfo mixinTypeInfo = domain.nodeInfoManager.getMixinTypeInfo(mixinType); // embeddedCtx = new EmbeddedContext(mapper, this); entityCtx.setAttribute(embeddedCtx.mapper, embeddedCtx); embeddedCtx.relatedEntity = entityCtx; embeddedCtx.typeInfo = mixinTypeInfo; } } else { PrimaryTypeInfo typeInfo = entityCtx.state.getTypeInfo(); PrimaryTypeInfo superTI = (PrimaryTypeInfo)typeInfo.getSuperType(mapper.getNodeTypeName()); if (superTI != null) { embeddedCtx = new EmbeddedContext(mapper, this); entityCtx.setAttribute(embeddedCtx.mapper, embeddedCtx); embeddedCtx.relatedEntity = entityCtx; embeddedCtx.typeInfo = superTI; } } } } // return embeddedCtx; } @Override protected <T1 extends Throwable, T2 extends Throwable> void _move( ThrowableFactory<T1> srcStateTF, ThrowableFactory<T2> dstStateTF, EntityContext srcCtx, ObjectContext dstCtx, String dstPrefix, String dstLocalName) throws T1, T2, NullPointerException, RepositoryException { if (dstCtx == null) { String msg = "Cannot move to null context"; log.error(msg); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } if (dstCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { String msg = "Attempt to move child " + srcCtx + " to a non persistent context " + dstCtx; log.error(msg); throw dstStateTF.newThrowable(msg); } // Node dstNode = dstCtx.getEntity().state.getNode(); // _move(srcStateTF, srcCtx, dstNode, dstPrefix, dstLocalName); } private <T1 extends Throwable> void _move( ThrowableFactory<T1> srcStateTF, EntityContext srcCtx, Node dstNode, String dstPrefix, String dstLocalName) throws T1, NullPointerException, RepositoryException { if (srcCtx == null) { String msg = "Cannot move null context"; log.error(msg); throw new NullPointerException(msg); } if (srcCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { String msg = "Attempt to move non persistent context " + srcCtx + " as child of " + dstNode.getPath(); log.error(msg); throw srcStateTF.newThrowable(msg); } // dstLocalName = domain.encodeName(dstNode, dstLocalName, NameKind.OBJECT); // String dstName = qualify(dstPrefix, dstLocalName); // Node srcNode = srcCtx.state.getNode(); // NameConflictResolution onDuplicate = NameConflictResolution.FAIL; NodeType parentNodeType = dstNode.getPrimaryNodeType(); ObjectMapper parentTypeMapper = domain.getTypeMapper(parentNodeType.getName()); if (parentTypeMapper != null) { onDuplicate = parentTypeMapper.getOnDuplicate(); } // Check insertion capability Node previousNode = sessionWrapper.getNode(dstNode, dstName); if (previousNode != null) { log.trace("Found existing child with same name {}", dstName); if (srcNode.getParent() == dstNode) { // We do nothing as it's a noop } else { if (onDuplicate == NameConflictResolution.FAIL) { String msg = "Attempt to move context " + dstNode.getPath() + " as an existing child with name " + dstName + " child of node " + dstNode.getPath(); log.error(msg); throw new DuplicateNameException(msg); } else { log.trace("About to remove same name {} child with id {}", previousNode.getPath(), previousNode.getName()); //previousNode.remove(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Do that properly"); } } } else { sessionWrapper.move(srcNode, dstNode, dstName); } // Generate some kind of event ???? } protected void _orderBefore(ObjectContext parentCtx, EntityContext srcCtx, EntityContext dstCtx) throws RepositoryException { if (parentCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (srcCtx == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Node parentNode = parentCtx.getEntity().state.getNode(); Node srcNode = srcCtx.state.getNode(); Node dstNode = dstCtx != null ? dstCtx.state.getNode() : null; // sessionWrapper.orderBefore(parentNode, srcNode, dstNode); } protected ObjectContext _create(Class<?> clazz, String localName) throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException, RepositoryException { if (clazz == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // ObjectMapper<?> typeMapper = domain.getTypeMapper(clazz); if (typeMapper == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type " + clazz.getName() + " is not mapped"); } // if (typeMapper.getKind() == NodeTypeKind.PRIMARY && typeMapper.isAbstract()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type " + clazz.getName() + " is abstract"); } // TransientEntityContextState state = new TransientEntityContextState(this); // ObjectContext octx; if (typeMapper.getKind() == NodeTypeKind.PRIMARY) { EntityContext ctx = new EntityContext((ObjectMapper<EntityContext>)typeMapper, state); // if (localName != null) { ctx.setLocalName(localName); } // broadcaster.created(ctx.getObject()); // octx = ctx; } else { if (localName != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a mixin type with a name"); } octx = new EmbeddedContext((ObjectMapper<EmbeddedContext>)typeMapper, this); } return octx; } protected <O> O _findById(Class<O> clazz, String id) throws RepositoryException { if (clazz == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // Attempt to load the object log.trace("About to load node with id {} and class {}", id, clazz.getName()); Node node = sessionWrapper.getNodeByUUID(id); if (node != null) { return _findByNode(clazz, node); } else { log.trace("Could not find node with id {}", id, clazz.getName()); } return null; } protected <O> O _findByNode(Class<O> clazz, Node node) throws RepositoryException { if (clazz == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // EntityContext ctx = _getEntity(node); // if (ctx == null) { return null; } else { return cast(ctx, clazz); } } protected EntityContext _getEntity(Node node) throws RepositoryException { if (node == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } // if (!domain.nodeInfoManager.isReferenceable(node)) { log.trace("Cannot map non referenceable node {} to a chromattic object", node.getPath()); return null; } // Attempt to get the object return nodeRead(node); } protected void _save() throws RepositoryException {; } protected void _remove(EntityContext context) throws RepositoryException { if (context == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } switch (context.state.getStatus()) { case TRANSIENT: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove transient node"); case PERSISTENT: Node node = context.state.getNode(); remove(node); break; case REMOVED: throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove removed node"); default: throw new AssertionError(); } } private static class Removed { private final String id; private final String path; private final String localName; private final EntityContext ctx; private Removed(String id, String path, String localName, EntityContext ctx) { = id; this.path = path; this.localName = localName; this.ctx = ctx; } } private void remove(Node node) throws RepositoryException { List<Removed> removeds = new LinkedList<Removed>(); String pathToRemove = node.getPath(); for (Map.Entry<String, EntityContext> ctxEntry : contexts.entrySet()) { EntityContext ctx = ctxEntry.getValue(); Node ctxNode = ctx.state.getNode(); if (ctxNode.getPath().startsWith(pathToRemove)) { removeds.add(new Removed(ctx.getId(), ctx.getPath(), ctx.getLocalName(), ctx)); } } // Perform removal sessionWrapper.remove(node); // Collection<EntityContext> ctxs = contexts.values(); // for (Removed removed : removeds) { String path = removed.path; log.trace("Removing context for path {}", path); removed.ctx.state = new RemovedEntityContextState(this, path, removed.localName, removed.ctx.getTypeInfo()); ctxs.remove(removed.ctx); broadcaster.removed(, removed.path, removed.localName, removed.ctx.getObject()); log.trace("Removed context {} for path {}", removed.ctx, path); } } protected EntityContext _getReferenced(ObjectContext referentCtx, String name, LinkType linkType) throws RepositoryException { if (referentCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } Node referent = referentCtx.getEntity().state.getNode(); Node referenced = sessionWrapper.getReferenced(referent, name, linkType); if (referenced != null) { return _getEntity(referenced); } else { return null; } } protected boolean _setReferenced(ObjectContext referentCtx, String name, EntityContext referencedCtx, LinkType linkType) throws RepositoryException { if (referentCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create a relationship with a non persisted context " + this); } // Node referent = referentCtx.getEntity().state.getNode(); // Then create if (referencedCtx != null) { if (referencedCtx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } // Should do some type checking probably!!!! // Node referenced = referencedCtx.state.getNode(); // Node previouslyReferenced = sessionWrapper.setReferenced(referent, name, referenced, linkType); // OK the nodes are referenceable, they always have an UUID if (previouslyReferenced != null) { String previousReferencedId = previouslyReferenced.getUUID(); String referencedId = referenced.getUUID(); return !referencedId.equals(previousReferencedId); } else { return true; } } else { return null != sessionWrapper.setReferenced(referent, name, null, linkType); } } protected <T> Iterator<T> _getReferents(EntityContext referencedCtx, String name, Class<T> filterClass, LinkType linkType) throws RepositoryException { Node referenced = referencedCtx.getEntity().state.getNode(); Iterator<Node> referents = sessionWrapper.getReferents(referenced, name, linkType); return new ReferentCollectionIterator<T>(this, referents, filterClass, name); } protected void _removeChild(ObjectContext ctx, String prefix, String localName) throws RepositoryException { localName = domain.encodeName(ctx, localName, NameKind.OBJECT); String name = qualify(prefix, localName); Node node = ctx.getEntity().state.getNode(); Node childNode = sessionWrapper.getNode(node, name); if (childNode != null) { remove(childNode); } } protected EntityContext _getChild(ObjectContext ctx, String prefix, String localName) throws RepositoryException { localName = domain.encodeName(ctx, localName, NameKind.OBJECT); String name = qualify(prefix, localName); Node node = ctx.getEntity().state.getNode(); log.trace("About to load the name child {} of context {}", name, this); Node child = sessionWrapper.getChild(node, name); if (child != null) { log.trace("Loaded named child {} of context {} with path {}", name, this, child.getPath()); return _getEntity(child); } else { log.trace("No child named {} to load for context {}", name, this); return null; } } protected <T> Iterator<T> _getChildren(ObjectContext ctx, Class<T> filterClass) throws RepositoryException { Node node = ctx.getEntity().state.getNode(); Iterator<Node> iterator = sessionWrapper.getChildren(node); return new ChildCollectionIterator<T>(this, iterator, filterClass); } protected EntityContext _getParent(EntityContext ctx) throws RepositoryException { if (ctx.getStatus() != Status.PERSISTENT) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } Node node = ctx.state.getNode(); Node parent = sessionWrapper.getParent(node); return _getEntity(parent); } protected Node _getRoot() throws RepositoryException { Session session = sessionWrapper.getSession(); List<String> pathSegments = domain.rootNodePathSegments; Node current = session.getRootNode(); String rootNodeType = domain.rootNodeType; boolean created = false; if (!pathSegments.isEmpty()) { // We use that kind of loop to avoid object creation for (int i = 0;i < pathSegments.size();i++) { String pathSegment = pathSegments.get(i); if (current.hasNode(pathSegment)) { current = current.getNode(pathSegment); } else { if (domain.rootCreateMode == Domain.NO_CREATE_MODE) { throw new NoSuchNodeException("No existing root node " + domain.rootNodePath); } else { if (rootNodeType != null) { current = current.addNode(pathSegment, rootNodeType); } else { current = current.addNode(pathSegment); } created = true; } } } } if (created) { if (domain.rootCreateMode == Domain.CREATE_MODE) { // Find first persistent ancestor Node toSave = current; while (toSave.isNew()) { toSave = toSave.getParent(); } // And save it; } } return current; } private <O> O cast(EntityContext ctx, Class<O> clazz) { Object object = ctx.object; if (clazz.isInstance(object)) { return clazz.cast(object); } else { String msg = "Could not cast context " + ctx + " with class " + object.getClass().getName() + " to class " + clazz.getName(); throw new ClassCastException(msg); } } /** * <p>Read the node and returns a related entity context.</p> * * </p>When the node is mapped to a chromattic type the following occurs: * <ul> * <li>any entity context already present in the current session is returned</li> * <li>otherwise an entity context is created from the related chromattic type and is inserted in the session</li> * <li>a load event is broadcasted to listeners</li> * </ul> * The node must have the mixin mix:referenceable otherwise a repositoty exception will be thrown.</p> * * <p>When the node is not mapped, null is returned.</p> * * @param node the node to read * @return the corresponding entity context * @throws RepositoryException any repository exception */ private EntityContext nodeRead(Node node) throws RepositoryException { NodeType nodeType = node.getPrimaryNodeType(); String nodeTypeName = nodeType.getName(); ObjectMapper mapper = domain.getTypeMapper(nodeTypeName); if (mapper != null) { EntityContext ctx = contexts.get(node.getUUID()); if (ctx == null) { ctx = new EntityContext((ObjectMapper<EntityContext>)mapper, new PersistentEntityContextState(node, this)); log.trace("Inserted context {} loaded from node path {}", ctx, node.getPath()); contexts.put(node.getUUID(), ctx); broadcaster.loaded(ctx, ctx.getObject()); } else { log.trace("Context {} is already present for path ", ctx, node.getPath()); } return ctx; } else { log.trace("Could not find mapper for node type {}", nodeTypeName); return null; } } private void nodeAdded(Node node, EntityContext ctx) throws RepositoryException { NodeType nodeType = node.getPrimaryNodeType(); String nodeTypeName = nodeType.getName(); ObjectMapper mapper = domain.getTypeMapper(nodeTypeName); if (mapper != null) { if (contexts.containsKey(node.getUUID())) { String msg = "Attempt to replace an existing context " + ctx + " with path " + node.getPath(); log.error(msg); throw new AssertionError(msg); } log.trace("Inserted context {} for path {}", ctx, node.getPath()); contexts.put(node.getUUID(), ctx); ctx.state = new PersistentEntityContextState(node, this); broadcaster.added(ctx, ctx.getObject()); } else { log.trace("Could not find mapper for node type {}", nodeTypeName); } } public void _close() { sessionWrapper.close(); } }